
Low Power Loss / High Saturation FIux Density MateriaIs Characteristics

Note:The Values were obtained with toroidal H25×15×10 cores at room temperature unless otherwise shown.

符号  Symbol 单位Unit ST40 ST44 ST47 ST90 ST95 ST96 ST97
2300 2400 2300 2200 3300 3200 3200
Initial permeability ±25% ±25% ±25% ±25% ±25% ±25% ±25%
相对损耗因数   Relative loss factor tanδ/Ma ×10-6 <5 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
饱和磁通密度 Saturation flux 25℃ 510 510 530 540 530 540 530
density Bs mT 100℃ 390 390 420 450 420 450 420
剩磁 Br mT 25℃ 120 110 110 150 85 80 80
Remanence 100℃ 55 60 60 60 60 70 60
矫顽力  Coercivity Hc A/m 25℃ 13 13 13 12 9.5 10 11
100℃ 8.8 8 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 7
功率损耗 25℃ 120
Core loss kw/m3 60℃ 80
f=25kHz,B=200mT 100℃ 70
120℃ 80
功率损耗 Pcv 25℃ 600 600 600 680 350 350 350
Core loss kw/m3 60℃ 450 400 400
f=100kHz,B=200mT 100℃ 400 300 280 320 290 300 280
120℃ 500 380 360 320
居里温度 Tc >215 >215 >230 >260 >215 >250 >220
Curie temperature
电阻率   Resistivity ρ Ω ·m 6.5 6.5 7 8 6 8 8
密度  Density d kg/m×103 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9

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